Be a servant of the Good News,
Through kindness that God freely gives;
When His power has worked to choose,
Within that how each of us lives.
I am the least of all people,
For God showed me of His kindness;
Letting me to spread the Gospel,
Immeasurable blessedness.
Wealth to those who are not a Jew,
It lets me to explain the way;
Enabling me to show to you,
Forgiveness for when went astray.
For He allows me to explain,
About the way this mystery;
The suffering enduring pain,
That happened in past history.
God, who has created all things,
Has kept it hidden in the past;
But through Jesus Christ it now brings,
The reasons on what had been cast.
He did this so that through the church,
He could let rulers in Heaven;
Know His wisdom that we can search,
That endless knowledge is given.
This was His plan through history,
Carried out through Christ our Lord;
Revealing of a mystery,
We should never let it be ignored.
Go to God with bold confidence,
Through the faith that you have in Christ;
His Word will be your best defense,
Guarding you from being enticed.
So do not become discouraged,
By the troubles that you suffer;
Rather let it be encouraged,
For using Christ as your buffer.
For troubles will bring you glory,
According to the gift of grace;
Making a wonderful story,
That you will constantly embrace.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer