I will give thanks unto You,
For being awesomely made;
Your works are helping me through,
As you render me the aid.
My bones were never concealed,
When I was made from Your view;
And from the womb You revealed,
A future I would pursue.
Your eyes were able to see,
When I was just a fetus;
Each day recorded of me,
Written when I raised a fuss.
So how precious is Your thought,
How vast in number are they;
Have I followed what I sought,
Have I trusted to obey.
I am sensitive toward sin,
And a believer in Christ;
As I try to discipline,
Never to become enticed.
If I try to count the times,
When there would be more of them;
Just like grains of sand for crimes,
That You easily condemn.
I wish you would kill evil,
Which is gory and wicked;
And get rid of the devil,
To be finally be dead.
He says wicked things of You,
His angels slander Your name;
All the evil they construe,
Act like it is just a game.
Should I not hate them for this,
Be disgusted of the flack;
Giving them a deadly kiss;
Like a viper would attack.
Please examine me O Lord,
Show me the eternal path;
For You are loved and adored,
I ask to be spared from the wrath.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer