When I first came here unto you,
I spoke not of the mystery;
Because it is hard to construe,
As being ancient history.
As if it might be of some kind,
A brilliant message or wisdom;
And be confusing to your mind,
About the heavenly kingdom.
I decided to deal with one thing,
Jesus Christ who was crucified;
One subject to focus and bring,
And what His death had signified.
I was weak and I was afraid.
So I did not speak my message;
Not understanding the price paid,
For heavenly rite of passage.
I spoke my message of a show,
Giving of spiritual power;
From the love of God that does flow,
As delicate as a flower.
We use wisdom to speak to those,
Who would realize being mature;
And how the grace of God would flow,
With having their hearts and mind pure.
It is wisdom that belongs not,
Where rulers like these in this place;
For it is darkness that is sought,
By them that blocks the godly grace.
It is wisdom that is hidden,
Which God had planned for the glory;
But for this world is forbidden,
Since the carnal mind is gory.
No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
While no mind has ever thought;
The awesome power of the Word,
That so many have gone and sought.
C Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer