Get rid of all kinds of evil,
Every kind of deception;
Because it comes from the devil,
And his disgustful conception.
For it leads you to hypocrisy,
Through every kind of slander;
Problems with greed through jealousy,
In your life as you meander.
Desire the pure Word of God,
As a baby desires milk;
Giving the Lord, honor and laud,
And it will feel as smooth as silk.
It is certain you have tasted,
That the Lord our God is good;
Rather than you having wasted,
Your life away as you not should.
You are coming to Jesus Christ,
Who is the living cornerstone;
Not letting yourself be enticed,
Like many others you have known.
Jesus Christ has been rejected,
But were still chosen as precious;
Because the Lord has selected,
And has given us a promise.
A promise to live in His house,
Coming to Him as living stones;
Because the church being His spouse,
None of it being flesh or bones.
Whoever does believe in Him,
Is someone not to be ashamed;
As nourished with spiritual vim,
Whenever His Word is proclaimed.
A stone people trip and stumble,
Finding His Word as offensive;
Resisting belief and grumble,
As they become apprehensive.
You are chosen people of God,
Priesthood of a holy nation;
Who purifies where you were flawed,
For inheriting salvation.
Live pure lives with unbelievers,
Through they may mock and ridicule;
Let not the views from deceivers,
Lure you in making you a fool.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer