Remind believers of the things,
That every day the Lord brings;
Warn of them in the sight of God,
Quarrelling words will make them flawed.
Quarrelling does not do you good,
Only destroys of what you should;
Those who would hear your argument,
Gives bad feelings of sentiment.
Do your best in front of the Lord,
Never let Him to be ignored;
As a true worker to proclaim,
Tried and true not to be ashamed.
Teach the Word of truth correctly,
To everyone directly;
Avoiding pointless discussions,
That could lead to repercussions.
People who would pay attention,
Could be feeling apprehension;
And could become more ungodly,
Maybe they judge you unfairly.
What they say can spread like a cancer,
As gossip can pierce like a spear;
Since they will become more uncouth,
For they will abandon the truth.
They will destroy faith of others,
No longer will be your brothers;
In telling them that you have lied,
On resurrection whence they died.
We have a solid foundation,
Giving us our salvation;
On our hearts His name engraved,
No longer to sin as enslaved.
God knows those who belong to Him,
His Spirit gives vigor and vim;
If you worship God give up the wrong,
So agony does not prolong.
Those who unfriend evil people,
Will remain true to the Gospel;
God will honor them with blessings,
Shine His glory as favor brings.
They will be set as His select,
Although many others reject;
Being prepared to do good things,
When clinging to the Lord it brings
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer