Be under the authority,
Of the people who are the boss;
Respect their superiority,
Not causing them any chaos.
Obey not just the good and kind,
But also those who are unfair;
Tolerate all within your mind,
Show each one of them that you care.
Endure the suffering and pain,
No matter if it is all wrong;
Trust God so not to go insane,
So tension does not to prolong.
Endure pains doing what is right,
By doing something that you should;
God will be pleased showing delight,
By accomplishing something good.
God has called on you to endure,
Because Christ had suffered for you;
And for being humble will cure,
From straying and to remain true.
He was leaving an example,
For following in His footsteps;
So by reading through the Gospel,
Will help you follow His precepts.
Christ never committed a sin,
And never spoke deceitfully;
Because of purity within,
He was flaw free spiritually.
Christ never verbally abused,
Those who were throwing Him insults;
And He never falsely accused,
Any with aggressive onslaughts.
Jesus did not make any threats,
Because the Father will judge fair;
All of those without the regrets,
Being defiant who dare.
In His body, He took your sin,
On the cross so we would be free;
And His Spirit cleanses within,
Giving you a new victory.
After your sins have been removed,
You are no longer as lost sheep;
And you know that God has approved,
Being awakened from your sleep
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer