Comfort my people says the Lord,
Show them the way they need to go;
Their needs are not to be ignored,
Since their requests the Lord will know.
Speak tenderly for it is time,
Hard labor is over and done;
Your wrongs have been paid for your crime,
Redeemed totally by the Son.
It has been received from the Lord,
Paying double for all your sin;
Letting you be in one accord,
As His Spirit cleanses within.
A voice cries out in the desert,
To prepare the way for the Lord;
Remain diligent and alert,
Because of your ills have been cured.
Make a straight and narrow highway,
In the desert for our God;
No side street to lead you astray,
So that you will remain unflawed.
Every valley will be raised,
Mountains and hills will be lowered;
While our Lord God is praised,
As the land has become flowered.
Steep places will be made level,
And rough places will be smoothed out;
All worship as God will revel,
Nobody will have any doubt.
The glory of the Lord revealed,
Together all people will see;
When the Book of Life is unsealed,
Hearing what the Lord will decree.
The voice of one is saying cry,
As another asks what to say;
Call for rain so flowers not die,
So their beauty does not decay.
Grass dries up and flowers wither,
But His Word will last forever;
As the serpent will still slither,
The Word of God does not sever.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer