You are my joy and my crown,
For being such a dear friend;
You pick me up when I am down,
A friendship that will not end.
Maintain your relationship,
With our Lord Jesus Christ;
Hold firm not to lose your grip,
To stray from being enticed.
So please have the attitude,
That the Lord would desire;
Giving a spiritual mood,
Through His Word to acquire.
You fought beside me to spread,
Of Jesus Christ and His Word;
To many as could be fed,
Ensuring that it was heard.
It might have cause you much strife,
Through spreading of the Gospel;
But within the Book of Life,
You are as a disciple.
So be joyful in the Lord,
Again I say be joyful;
That He is loved and adored,
Showing that you are grateful.
Letting everyone know,
How considerate you are;
Anywhere that you may go,
Give not anyone a scar.
You never need ever fear,
Fret not about anything;
For the Lord is always near,
Helping with troubles that cling.
Tell God what you need in prayer,
Pleas as well as thanksgiving;
Including problems to share,
Anxieties with living.
Then His peace will guard your thoughts,
Far beyond understanding;
Mending your flaws and dark spots,
In what life is demanding.
C Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer