Give thanks to the Lord,
Because He is good;
Honored and adored,
Praising as you should.
His mercy endures,
Through every day;
Forever assures,
So trust and obey.
He has defended,
Those who do believe;
Some are offended,
For false gods they cleave.
He guards against foes,
That try to disrupt;
By causing you woes,
To make you corrupt.
They come from places,
That are far and wide;
To change some phrases,
From the Word inside.
You start to lose hope,
As your soul does thirst;
Getting hard to cope,
As hunger comes first.
In distress you cry,
Out onto the Lord;
And you wonder why,
Like you are ignored.
But you are rescued,
From troubles abound;
Tomorrow is viewed,
As mercy is found.
Go gave me to drink,
For quenching my thirst;
And food for to think,
Of putting Him first
C Copyright © 2015 Richard Newton Sherrer
Psalm 107:1-11