I am a prisoner in the Lord,
And cannot let it be ignored;
Urge you to live the kind of life,
While enduring any strife.
It proves that the Lord has called you,
To have a godly point of view,
While being humble each day,
And gentle in every way.
Please be patient with each other,
Lovingly accept your brother;
To unify in one accord,
As an example to the Lord.
Through the peace that ties together,
All in His name that do gather;
For there is one body to bind,
And one Spirit for peace of mind.
That makes only one hope to share,
One life as all will surely care;
One Lord, one faith, and just one birth,
When we are leaving planet earth.
When Christ went to the highest place,
The Father gave us all His grace;
While making us His captives,
And receiving gifts that He gives.
It continues till all unite,
And everyone sees the light;
Having the knowledge of His Son,
That is when the job will be done.
Whatever the gift just might be,
God will give the insight to see;
Doing the job the best we can,
To watch unfolding of His plan.
We must grow and measure up to,
Jesus Christ so we can construe;
Him as the standard so that we,
No longer children would we be.
C Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer