Jesus makes people holy,
Holy by the same Father;
Who we worship solely,
With Christ our Brother.
We should not be ashamed,
To honor and laud;
And what we have proclaimed,
Unto the triune God.
I will tell the others,
About His holy name;
Making them my brothers,
Getting them to proclaim.
I will praise Him within,
Out from my heart and voice;
A new life I begin,
And praising to rejoice.
I trust Him with my soul,
Thanking for a new start;
Helping me reach my goal,
With faith not to depart.
I am here with my kin,
Brothers God has given;
Having the discipline,
For going to Heaven.
They have the flesh and blood,
Just as Jesus Christ had;
And immersed in the flood,
Feeling so thankful and glad.
He died as to destroy,
The one who controlled death;
Once dead He could deploy,
To the place without breath.
Then those who have been slaves,
To sin all of their lives;
Are rescued from their graves,
When Christ again arrives.
Since Christ saw temptation,
All things then He behooved;
So God gave salvation,
Once the sins are removed.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer