Why do you criticize?
You seem to have a grudge;
As Christians you despise,
But God will be your judge.
You will stand before God,
Judged for thought, word and deed;
For all that makes you flawed,
With wickedness and greed.
As certain as He lives,
You will honor and laud;
For the praise that one gives,
While worshipping God.
Every one of us,
Give an account to God;
Justifying as thus,
The reason we are flawed.
So stop criticizing,
No longer having doubt;
Stop your fantasizing,
What darkness is about.
The Lord has given me,
Knowledge and conviction;
What to and not to see,
Because of addiction.
Food is acceptable,
Though some say it is not;
God makes delectable,
For the nourishment sought.
If some food makes one sick,
You do not live by love;
Repent for the toxic,
Within the food thereof.
What someone eats or drinks,
Dwells not in His kingdom;
Rather peace what one thinks,
Shows spiritual wisdom.
The joy His Spirit gives,
Is pleasing to the Lord;
Respecting how one lives,
And how God is adored.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer