At the time when we were helpless,
Christ died for ungodly people;
Even though all had seemed hopeless,
Without the faith in the Gospel.
For finding someone who would die,
For a godly person is rare;
So many would want to know why,
Death for sinners who do not care.
Maybe someone is brave enough,
In dying for a good person;
Hard to say and is kind of tough,
For a Father to give His Son.
Jesus Christ died for all of us,
While we were all still sinners;
And without raising any fuss,
Showing love to make us winners.
Since the blood of Christ has given,
For saving us from any rage;
So we have passage to Heaven,
At the time we have reached that stage.
If death of His Son has restored,
Our relationship with God;
We must be thankful to the Lord,
By showing Him honor and laud.
Justified by faith, we have peace,
With God through the Lord Jesus Christ;
Having a new life with new lease,
Since Jesus had been sacrificed.
So by faith we now have access,
Into this grace wherein we stand;
Through compassion God will now bless,
If we follow through His command.
For His glory we can rejoice,
Because we of having the hope;
Praising as we lift up our voice,
Through tribulations that we cope.
For our hope puts not to shame,
Since the love of God has been shed;
So our hearts and mind proclaim,
The value in the Son that bled.
C Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer