The Lord has rescued us,
From power of the dark;
Yet we still raise a fuss,
On where we can embark.
God took us to His place,
The kingdom of His Son;
Whom He loves and gives grace,
And yet we will still shun.
His Son has paid the price,
To free us from the sin;
Forgave through sacrifice,
But still depraved within.
Christ is in the image,
Of God our Father;
The same from age to age,
Second to no other.
He created all things,
In Heaven and on earth;
With the goodness He brings,
He breathes life to give birth.
Visible and invisible,
God is the Lord of lords;
With power capable,
To kill one with discords.
All things are created,
Through Him, by and for Him;
Since His Son is seated,
On the right with much vim.
He holds it together,
Keeping it all in place;
And so we must gather,
Our hearts for His grace.
Christ is head of the church,
In which we are a part;
And through Him we must search,
First within our heart.
He is the beginning,
And as well as the end;
Who keeps us from sinning,
And can call our friend.
C Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer