I will give thanks unto the Lord,
Praising Him with all of my heart;
Knowing that I am not ignored,
In the prayers that I do impart.
I will tell others of the things,
The miracles that He has done;
Because of the joy that it brings,
Especially talking of the Son.
I will always find so much joy,
As well as be glad in the Lord;
Through the music that I employ,
Telling how much He is adored.
When my enemies do retreat,
They will stumble as they perish;
Because the Lord will smite their feet,
As their presence will then vanish.
God has defended my just cause,
As He sat down upon His throne;
Even though there might be a pause,
When asking for His help alone.
For He sits down upon His throne,
Knowing that He is just and fair;
Because all the facts He has known,
Even before I say in prayer.
God has rebuked wicked nations,
And eliminated their names;
For causing some implications,
On a righteous man who proclaims.
God has uprooted their city,
Lies in ruins memory fades;
For His wrath will show no pity,
Since some of them would play charades.
The Lord is enthroned forever,
He is set up His throne to judge;
The decisions will not sever,
Final verdicts He will not budge.
The Lord alone will judge the world,
With righteousness He judges fair;
Because His wrath shall be hurled,
Who have never confessed in prayer.
C Copyright © 2015 Richard Newton Sherrer