We must love each other,
Because love comes from God;
Each sister and brother,
Help them where they are flawed.
All of us who do love,
Brought into life by God;
Up in Heaven above,
That we honor and laud.
The person who loves not,
God is unknown to him;
Not fulfilled what is sought,
Because his life is grim.
God has shown us His love,
And sent His only Son;
So we have life thereof,
And victory is won.
This is love from His Son,
As payment for the sin;
Who is the only one,
For to renew again.
For if this is the way,
We must love each other;
And loving them each day,
Care for one another.
No one has ever seen,
God and live for to tell;
But faith has always been,
To know in God we dwell.
We know we live in Him,
Just as God lives in us;
Giving vigor and vim,
When we raise not a fuss.
We see to testify,
The Father sent His Son;
And we cannot deny,
That this had been done.
For God shined His favor,
Over this very place;
To send us a Savior,
And for shedding His grace.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer