Flesh and blood cannot inherit,
Up in the heavenly kingdom;
Neither can all of your merit,
Regardless if having wisdom.
For what decays from your pleasures.
Can never be holding so true;
Since you take not earthly treasures,
Rather only be taking you.
So I tell you a mystery,
Not all of us will ever die;
Leaving all our misery,
Wherever that we once will lie.
It will happen in an instant.
In a split second at the sound;
Once again feel like an infant,
As we are taken Heaven bound.
At the last sound of the trumpet,
The dead will then come back alive;
As they will come out of their closet,
And will look for Christ to arrive.
They will change to live forever,
As a new body will not decay;
A bond with God will not sever,
Because they will trust and obey.
Oh this mortal body of sin,
Would not ever be holding true;
Corrupted to decay within,
Much faster than you can construe.
Oh death, where is your victory,
Destructive death, where is your sting;
To end this life of misery,
So I see what new life will bring.
The sting comes when the sin gives death,
Standards of God gives sin power;
And comes when God gives the last breath,
That none of us know the hour.
So thank the Father that He gives,
Us victory through our Lord;
Remembering that Christ still lives,
And so will we if not ignored.
C Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer