We always have to thank God,
For my sisters and brothers;
How relationships have thawed,
For winning over others.
It is right to do it all,
Because of faith and belief;
When someone you know will fall,
Giving them trouble relief.
It shows remarkable growth,
As love for each other grows;
Since you have taken an oath,
Bonding to the Lord who knows.
We can brag on endurance,
Faith in the persecutions;
For God gives reassurance,
Through any resolutions.
Suffering proves it is right,
When having judgment from God;
Drifting away from the light,
Having been damaged and flawed.
It is right for to suffer,
But God will give us relief;
For He assures to buffer,
Through our faith and belief.
God states it will be revealed,
When Jesus comes from Heaven;
In a fire be unsealed,
As revenge will be given.
Because earthly desire,
Revenge to those who refuse;
Seeing a blazing fire,
For what your life did abuse.
You have refused the Good News,
About our Jesus Christ;
Because you have your own views,
About being sacrificed.
Let not Jesus be ignored,
And the reason why He died;
And keeping Him as your Lord,
While false prophets have lied.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer