I am a captive of the Lord,
To whom I have loved and adored;
And urge you of a life to live,
Devote with desire to give.
Be humble and kind all the way,
Patiently gentle through each day;
Lovingly accept each other,
Treating like sister and brother.
Through the peace that ties together,
For fellowship where you gather;
Keep unity in the Spirit,
With everything you merit.
One body, one Spirit in Christ,
One life that will be sacrificed;
One faith and one hope for to share,
One baptism to show we care.
One Lord God, the Father of all,
Who does hear us when we do call;
The Lord over everything,
With all the goodness it will bring.
The favor of God has given,
To each of us under Heaven;
As measured out of us by Christ,
Through the blood that was sacrificed.
When He went to the highest place,
He looked upon us with His grace;
Captured those who took us captive,
And laid a path for to forgive.
What does it means that He had gone,
Did He come back at morning dawn?
What about the deep in the earth,
Did He go where there is no worth?
The One who went also went up,
Filling with blessing in a cup;
Up above Heaven where He filled,
Where each one of us are instilled.
Unified in Beauty of Christ,
So we will never be enticed;
Combined with the Holy Spirit,
For salvation we inherit.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer