Everyone who does believe,
That Jesus is truly the Christ;
Also knows that they will receive,
Life from Him being sacrificed.
So then we have been born from God,
Anyone who loves the Father;
Then must give Him honor and laud,
Making Jesus Christ their Brother.
We truly know that we love God,
And will always trust and obey;
As His child not to be flawed,
While we live from day to day.
To love God means that we obey,
Obeying His Law is not bad;
As you are living day to day,
Just rejoice and always be glad.
If born from God then you have won,
With victory over this place;
As you are able thank His Son,
Allowing God to shed His grace.
Our faith is what wins victory,
In our belief of the Son;
Far from being a mystery,
What the crucifixion had done.
The Son of God is Jesus Christ,
Who had come by water and blood;
Flowed down the cross when sacrificed,
As it caused a crimson flood.
The Holy Spirit verifies,
Because the Spirit is the truth;
It is the blood that purifies,
To humble one that was uncouth.
We accept a human witness,
Testament from God is greater;
Your faith gives spiritual fitness,
That is keeping your path straighter.
Anyone who does not believe,
Has been making God a liar;
Eternal life will not receive,
And thrown in the lake of fire.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer